Thursday 20 August 2015

I'm Back

Hey Everyone,

It has been almost a year since my last post and for anyone who takes the time to read this blog I am sorry.

I have had so much going on. Not long after my last post was Christmas, my Birthday and New Year. I totally fell off the wagon with my health kick (which disappoints me). I have now after nearly a year and a long time feeling disappointed in myself for not sticking to it and in a sense hating myself I am starting again.

YES AGAIN AND I KNOW I CAN DO IT. (Help, support, advice and encouragement always welcome).

On other news other than my health journey. My amazing, loving, kind, caring and supportive boss that I worked with for 11 years (yes you read right ELEVEN) decided it was time to retire and go back home to the UK. She sold the salon where we worked in South Perth for the last 4 years (just the 2 of us) waited for settlement and takeover day and then flew home.

I remember like yesterday it was a Friday night and my husband and I met her and her husband back at the salon to take them to the airport. We arrived there early (in case of traffic, long lines etc.), After 3 hours, filling forms out and having a couple of coffees it was time to say goodbye.

Now apart from having people and my life pass away this was also one of the hardest things I have had to do. Working with someone for so long and with them every day, just the 2 of you, you form a different relationship that boss and an employee. Sue and Roy were like my family there was nothing she didn’t know. It was like talking to my mum she was understanding, supportive, gave advice if necessary. Anything I needed she was there and vice versa.

After she left I worked with anther lady she was younger than I was and that was fine but we have very different work ethics and ideas of what was and wasn’t important when I came to our work, clients and way a salon should be run. Don’t get me wrong I may have managed the salon for Sue for about 8 years and I knew things would be different I mean at the end of the day the salon wasn’t mine.

After 5months with the new owner, new products, new décor I decided I wasn’t happy. I loved what I was doing just not where I was and who it was with. I used to drive 45 minutes to get to work every morning and then the same home (that was in good traffic rain could take me hour and a half) and I knew the day those trips started to feel longer was the day I needed something new. That day came and I had to make a big decision. I had 3 options * work for someone else, * change careers all together, *carry on in the same job or *buy my OWN salon.

                                                                            I DECIDED TO


               BUY MY OWN SALON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew at the age of 18 years old (6month into my apprenticeship) that I would one day own my business. It was a dream, a goal, something that no matter how hard or who told me no I would have it and do anything to get there.

Finally after the support, love, help, guidance of my parents, my sister, my husband, family and my financial man Peter my dream became a reality. On April 13th 2015 at 5.30pm I met the real estate agent to hand the keys over. I opened the doors, cracked open a bottle of champagne and we all had a celebratory drink with my mum, dad, sister and my husband.

It was one of the best moments of my life (as well as my wedding day).

We were there till 11.30pm that night unpacking 35 boxes of Wella stock (was ordered 5 weeks prior and delivered earlier that day). It was like Christmas day towels, gowns, shampoos, conditioner, treatments, colours, bowls, and brushes everything was there and being put exactly how I wanted it look. Was the best feeling.

The next day was the first open for business day. I had met the 2 girls that worked there a week before take over and they wanted to stay and I was grateful to have them.

These 2 beautiful souls are Bianca a full time qualified stylist and Melissa a full time 2nd year apprentice.

We opened up and had a great first day. I will admit I was nervous as it was a new salon, new clients to meet, new area and new staff.

I didn’t need to worry the staff were AHH-MAZING. They are 2 of the sweetest, kindest and hardworking girls. I’m one lucky person to have them working for me and I am very grateful.

We are now up to Week 18 and going great.

This is one of the best decision I have ever made in my life. I am so happy and so grateful to have people in my life who push me and make me strive for the things that I really want.

This is a long post and hope you all enjoy the first one back there will be more to follow.

Have a great week.

Lots of love

Kellie xx xx

P.S You can find all the salon details below

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Yellow Pages